How SKIIN Supports Women’s Heart Health

Curtis O'Connor

How SKIIN Supports Women’s Heart Health When it comes to cardiovascular disease (CVD), many women are under-diagnosed, under-treated, and under-supported during recovery. Additionally, most CVD support has been designed with men in mind, leaving women...

How Family Monitoring Empowers Cardiac Patients

Curtis O'Connor

Hardwired for Connection As human beings, we are inextricably tied to one another. After all, humans are social creatures. Not only do we enjoy the presence of other people, we need other people. In fact,...

The Myant Clinical Portal

Skiin Team

Myant is helping cardiologists deliver better care through Remote Patient Monitoring Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed immeasurably, in some ways for better, in some ways for worse. From increased...